
RSMo §573.040

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Posted by Christopher Combs on September 3, 2024

573.040. Furnishing pornographic materials to minors — penalty.

  1. A person commits the offense of furnishing pornographic material to minors if, knowing of its content and character, he or she:

    1. Furnishes any material pornographic for minors, knowing that the person to whom it is furnished is a minor or acting in reckless disregard of the likelihood that such person is a minor; or
    2. Produces, presents, directs or participates in any performance pornographic for minors that is furnished to a minor knowing that any person viewing such performance is a minor or acting in reckless disregard of the likelihood that a minor is viewing the performance; or
    3. Furnishes, produces, presents, directs, participates in any performance or otherwise makes available material that is pornographic for minors via computer, electronic transfer, internet or computer network if the person made the matter available to a specific individual known by the defendant to be a minor.
  2. It is not a defense to a prosecution for a violation of this section that the person being furnished the pornographic material is a peace officer masquerading as a minor.
  3. The offense of furnishing pornographic material to minors or attempting to furnish pornographic material to minors is a class A misdemeanor unless the person has been found guilty of an offense committed at a different time pursuant to this chapter, chapter 566 or chapter 568, in which case it is a class E felony.
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