How long does a DWI or DUI stay on your record in Missouri? Christopher Combs and Steven Waterkotte of Combs Waterkotte discuss how long a DWI can remain on your criminal and driving record in Missouri?

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Don’t “Blow” Your DWI/DUI Case: Key Mistakes to Avoid
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Interview Transcript
Scott Michael Dunn: How long does a DUI stay on your record?
Chris Combs: That’s another really tough question. Only because it’s something you could talk a long time about.
Everyone has four records. An arrest record, a criminal record, a driving record and then D.F.S/C.P.S, Department of Family Services, Child Protection Services. Your arrest record, as we talked about in the expungement world, you can only get one expunged if you’ve had one and it’s 10 years later, as a general rule of thumb.
We are here to protect your license, your criminal record. So an arrest record, 10 years is typically the answer on that. But your criminal record a lot of times first offense, second offense, we’re able to keep it off your record entirely. Off your driving record, off your criminal record.
Again, as you go up in frequency of how many DWIs you’ve had, things get more stringent and [there are] tougher penalties.
If you need Missouri’s leading criminal defense team to defend your rights and freedom, speak to a criminal defense and DWI/DUI attorney today at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online for a free case review.