
Laclede County, MO

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Last Updated: September 27, 2024

DWI Lawyer in Laclede County, MO

DWI Lawyer in Laclede County, MO. Facing allegations of driving while intoxicated (DWI) can be a frightening experience, particularly considering the likely repercussions for Laclede County, MO drivers. Beyond the immediate consequences of a minimum 60-day suspension of your driving privileges, hefty fines, elevated insurance premiums, and enduring points on your license, the aftermath extends to enduring damage to your reputation within your Laclede County community or your professional sphere. Additionally, international travel prospects may be constrained, with countries like Canada prohibiting entry for individuals with a DWI conviction on their record.

If you have been pulled over and are facing DWI charges, you need a top-tier Laclede County, MO DWI lawyer on your side right now. Call Combs Waterkotte immediately at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online so that we can get to work building your defense right away. Our attorneys are available for free, no-strings-attached consultations where they can discuss the specifics of your case with you and plan your next steps.

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Have You Been Pulled Over Anywhere in the Laclede County, MO Area?

Having an aggressive and proficient DWI lawyer on your Laclede County, MO case can be the pivotal factor between accepting a DWI conviction with severe repercussions and reaching a more favorable outcome such as reduced or even dismissed charges. At Combs Waterkotte, our seasoned Laclede County, MO DWI attorneys are dedicated advocates for all our Laclede County, MO area DWI clients. No matter if this is the first time you have ever been pulled over for anything or if this is not the first time you are facing DWI charges, our firm is committed to providing your Laclede County, MO DWI case with the attention it deserves. We formulate a legal strategy tailored specifically to securing the best possible results for you.

Our unparalleled track record of success in defending Laclede County residents accused of DWI speaks volumes, and our dedication extends to ensuring total client satisfaction in every aspect of our service. After you have been arrested for DWI in or anywhere near Laclede County, MO, make (314) 900-HELP your first call. Initial case reviews are always free, and Combs Waterkotte will work with you no matter what financial challenges you might have to help you beat your Laclede County, MO DWI charges.

What Should I Do After I’m Pulled Over For DWI?

After you have been pulled over by a police officer who suspects that you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs near Laclede County, MO, it’s natural to feel nervous. Any encounter with law enforcement for a moving violation can trigger a “fight or flight” response, and this is only increased when you are accused of impaired driving. With extensive experience handling numerous DWI cases in Laclede County, MO, our firm recommends that you take the following course of action if you are ever pulled over for DWI:

  • Safely pull over. Ensure a safe pull-over by using your turn signal, selecting a well-lit location on the side of the road, and opting for a shoulder or nearby parking lot if available. Avoid parking on grass to maintain safety and compliance.
  • Remain calm and cooperative. Remain calm and composed. Being hostile to a police officer will only make them more likely to search your car or subject you to increased scrutiny. Being polite goes a long way when stopped for DWI near Laclede County, MO.
  • Avoid self-incrimination. Exercise your right to remain silent under the Fifth Amendment. Provide the officer your license and insurance/registration, but refrain from offering additional information. Law enforcement officers are looking for any excuse to continue an investigation and arrest you, so it’s wise not to provide unnecessary information. You can always choose not to answer potentially incriminating questions, like “Have you been drinking?” by stating that you would rather not answer without legal advice.
  • Avoid the portable breath test. Refrain from taking a portable breath test. While Missouri enforces implied consent laws that lead to a one-year license revocation for refusing a breathalyzer or blood test, this is applicable only after you are formally arrested for DWI. Portable breathalyzers are frequently deemed unreliable and are primarily used to establish probable cause for an arrest.
  • Call a lawyer if you are arrested. Conversations with an attorney are completely confidential and privileged under Missouri law. Seeking guidance from an experienced Laclede County, MO DWI lawyer about whether you should take a breath test at the station, addressing any issues during your stop, or clarifying other concerns can be the crucial difference between facing months of license suspension and potentially having your case dismissed.

Being charged with driving under the influence carries severe legal repercussions in Laclede County, MO, encompassing fines, the suspension of your driver’s license, and the possibility of incarceration. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the potential consequences is critical, and a Combs Waterkotte lawyer is ready to provide detailed insights and more during a free consultation. DWI laws can differ across jurisdictions, even in smaller areas neighboring Laclede County, MO, emphasizing the importance of seeking guidance from an attorney well-versed in the local legal landscape for personalized advice tailored to your unique situationDriving under the influence has serious legal repercussions in Laclede County, MO, including fines, license suspension, and possible jail time. Having a firm grasp of the potential outcomes is essential, and a Combs Waterkotte attorney will provide that and more during a free case review. Laws regarding DWI vary by jurisdiction, even small areas neighboring Laclede County, MO, so it’s advisable to consult with a lawyer familiar with the laws in your area for specific advice tailored to your situation.

Fighting Both Sides Of Your DWI Case in Laclede County, MO

DWI cases in Missouri involve two distinct components: the criminal aspect and the civil facet. The criminal punishments for DWI in Missouri, as you likely know, are serious. Even a first DWI offense could lead to the following repercussions under Missouri law, as it is defined as a class B misdemeanor:

  • 8 points on your driving record
  • Up to 6 months in jail
  • Up to a $500 fine
  • A 90-day drivers’ license suspension, the last 60 of which can be converted to a restricted driving privilege (RDP) permit
  • Required participation in a drug/alcohol treatment program known as Substance Awareness Traffic Offender Program (SATOP)
  • Required purchase of a high-risk auto insurance plan, referred to as a Certificate of Financial Responsibility or an SR-22

Our experienced Laclede County, MO legal team ensures that the residents of Laclede County, MO receive the best possible legal presentation, no matter the circumstance. After all, good people often find themselves in bad situations. In addition to DWI defense in Laclede County, MO, our attorneys are experienced in many forms of law, such as:

What Happens If This Isn’t My First DWI?

If you find yourself facing a second DWI arrest in Laclede County, MO, you will likely be facing class A misdemeanor charges, encompassing possible penalties like:

  • No more than one year in jail (any jail sentence for a second DWI must include a minimum of 10 days of “shock time” in jail before possible suspension of sentence or probation)
  • Maximum two years probation
  • Fines of no more than $1,000
  • The suspension of your driving privileges, which can be between from one to five years
  • You must install and maintain, as well as pay for, a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID). This keeps someone from starting a vehicle if their BAC is over a certain limit.
  • Continuous, trackable alcohol monitoring (either by regular breath tests or a wearable device)
  • Mandatory participation in a drug/alcohol treatment program
  • Required purchase of a high-risk auto insurance plan (SR-22)

The administrative component in a Laclede County, MO DWI case has to do with your driving privileges, and how the Missouri Department of Revenue handles the revocation or suspension of your license. Most Laclede County, MO-area drivers do not know that you can appeal the automatic suspension or revocation of your license, as long as that appeal is filed within 15 days of your initial arrest in Laclede County, MO.

When you enlist the impeccable services of the Laclede County, MO DWI lawyers at Combs Waterkotte, rest assured that our firm will tackle both facets of your DWI case as soon as possible and strive to mitigate the impact of a DWI arrest on your life. We will gather evidence, scrutinize the details of your case, identify potential holes in the Laclede County police report or arrest, and craft a strategy that is built for success. Give us a call now at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online.

Contact A DWI Lawyer Who Wins in Laclede County, MO | Combs Waterkotte

If you’ve recently faced arrest and DWI charges in Laclede County, MO, you are probably well aware that time is of the essence when dealing with your case. The sooner you can get a skilled Laclede County, MO DWI lawyer to review documents, amass evidence, and build your case, the better the odds are that the consequences resulting from your Laclede County DWI arrest will be significantly reduced, if not eliminated.

Combs Waterkotte has helped hundreds of Laclede County, MO-area residents from all walks of life take on DWI charges. Our firm combines top-notch legal expertise and aggressive advocacy with a commitment to personal service and communication that is unmatched among DWI law firms near Laclede County, MO and throughout Missouri. Our DWI attorneys promise that no matter the time, no matter the situation, and no matter the circumstances, they will be able to answer your call and discuss your case or any other legal topic. This commitment is an integral part of our pledge to achieve complete client satisfaction, as affirmed by our satisfied clients.

If you find yourself pulled over and facing DWI charges in the Laclede County, MO area, make (314) 900-HELP your first call for a free initial .

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