What to Do if You’re Arrested for Assault

Being arrested for assault is an overwhelming experience, particularly if it’s your first encounter with our legal system – you’re likely concerned over possible court dates, conviction, and your future livelihood. The situation becomes even more stressful when you’re unsure of what steps to take immediately following your arrest.

Combs Waterkotte can help. Speak to one of our expert assault defense lawyers who has successfully defended clients in cases just like yours. Call (314) 900-HELP as soon as possible or contact us online for a free, confidential consultation where you can discuss the specifics of your case. Here, we’ll outline key steps to take if you’re arrested for assault and how our experienced defense attorneys can help you.

What to Do if You’re Arrested for Assault

1. Stay Calm and Comply with Law Enforcement

It’s important to remember to stay calm. Nobody enjoys being arrested, and, even if you believe the arrest is unjust, it’s important to avoid resisting arrest or acting aggressively. Any resistance can escalate the situation and lead to additional charges, making your case more complicated.

During the arrest, you shouldn’t answer any questions about the incident without a lawyer present. Politely and firmly tell law enforcement that you want to exercise your right to remain silent and that you would like to speak with an attorney before answering any questions.

2. Understand Your Rights

Following your arrest, you have several important rights that you should remember:

  • The right to remain silent: You are not obligated to speak to law enforcement about the alleged assault, and in most cases, it is in your best interest to refrain from doing so until you have legal representation.
  • The right to an attorney: Under the Sixth Amendment, you are entitled to legal representation. However, hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney who specializes in assault cases is pivotal for mounting a strong defense.
  • Protection against unlawful searches: While law enforcement can conduct a search at the time of your arrest under probable cause, they must follow proper procedures, like obtaining a warrant in many cases.

3. Contact a Combs Waterkotte Criminal Defense Attorney

One of the most crucial actions to take following your arrest is to contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The Combs Waterkotte legal team is available 24/7 and we’ve handled over 10,000 cases just like yours.

Your skilled assault attorney will:

  • Advise you on your rights: The Combs Waterkotte lawyers ensure that you know when to remain silent and how to avoid incriminating yourself during questioning.
  • Review the charges: Our attorney will analyze the details of your arrest and the charges against you, including whether the police followed proper procedures.
  • Investigate your case: Your tenacious lawyer will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your case.
  • Represent you in court: Whether negotiating for reduced charges or arguing your case at trial, Combs Waterkotte will be your advocate throughout the legal process.

4. Avoid Discussing Your Case

It’s completely natural to want to explain your side of the story. However, doing this is a major mistake. Even casual conversations with friends or posts on social media can be distorted and taken out of context, inadvertently damaging your defense. Only discuss the details of your case with your attorney.

5. Gather Evidence and Document the Incident

While your knowledgeable attorney will handle the majority of the investigation, you can help by gathering any evidence or information that could support your defense. If you have photos, videos, or text messages that are relevant, share them with your attorney. If possible, document the details of the incident, including:

  • What happened leading up to your arrest
  • Who was involved
  • Any injuries or damage caused
  • Witnesses present at the scene

6. Prepare for Your Court Appearance

Following your arrest, you will be required to attend at least one court appearance – starting with an arraignment. Your attorney will advise you on how to plead and prepare you for this and any subsequent court appearances.

It’s vital to attend all scheduled court dates and heed your lawyer’s advice on how to present yourself in court. Missing a court date, showing up looking disheveled, or failing to adhere to the conditions of your release can result in additional charges or penalties.

7. Consider Possible Defense Strategies

Work with your lawyer to determine the best defense strategy. Common defenses the Combs Waterkotte attorneys have used in assault cases include:

  • Self-Defense: Arguing that you acted to protect yourself from harm.
  • Defense of Others: Demonstrating that you were defending someone else from immediate danger.
  • Lack of Intent: Showing that you did not intend to cause harm or injury.
  • False Accusations: If you were wrongly accused of assault, your lawyer may focus on proving inconsistencies or falsehoods in the accuser’s claims.

What to Do if You’re Arrested for Assault | Criminal Defense Law | Combs Waterkotte

What to Do if You’re Arrested for Assault – Call Combs Waterkotte

Being arrested for assault is a serious matter that requires meticulous attention to make sure your rights and future are being protected. From the moment of your arrest, it’s essential to stay calm, exercise your right to remain silent, and seek the assistance of a skilled defense attorney.

If you’ve been arrested for assault, don’t wait. Call an experienced assault defense attorney at Combs Waterkotte immediately at (314) 900-HELP or reach out online for a free case review.