
Raymore, MO

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Last Updated: October 2, 2024

Criminal Attorney Raymore, MO

Criminal attorney in Raymore, MO. Regardless of how you got here, you have privileges that are guaranteed by our constitution. The criminal attorney defense team at Combs Waterkotte is devoted to pursuing every legal option to get the most favorable results for those in need of criminal defense in Raymore, MO. We handle criminal cases ranging from credit card fraud to serious felony. Whether you’re innocent, a situation was outside of your control or you simply did something you now regret, we will fight persistently for you and aggressively protect your rights and freedom. Call a criminal attorney in Raymore, MO today at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online for a free case review.

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If you’ve been charged with a crime, the first thing on your mind is having your freedom put in jeopardy. The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration rates. The best way to retain your freedom in Raymore, MO is with the dedicated representation of an experienced and committed criminal attorney. We know that, however you got here, facing criminal charges is a situation nobody wants to be in. Let us fight for you and get your charges lowered or thrown out and negotiate with a prosecutor and judge or defend you in trial to avoid incarceration. Contact a criminal attorney in Raymore, MO today at (314) 900-HELP.

How a Criminal Attorney in Raymore, MO Can Help

There are reasons everyone has a right to effective legal representation, and there are various ways a criminal attorney can help your case:

Delay or Stop Formal Charges

After an arrest, a knowledgeable criminal attorney can often meet with a prosecutor or district attorney in Raymore, MO, show them evidence that demonstrates it is highly unlikely you committed the crime, and stop the charges from being filed or only bring lesser charges.

Protect Your Rights

When Raymore, MO law enforcement believes they have made a legitimate arrest, there are many things they can do to acquire the evidence needed to prosecute. According to a 1969 Supreme Court Decision, police are even permitted to lie during interrogations. A criminal attorney will stand by your side and ensure law enforcement respects:

Perform an Investigation

A criminal attorney in Raymore, MO will conduct an exhaustive investigation, often more detailed than that of police, in an attempt to discover physical evidence and witnesses that will help get your charges reduced, dismissed, or help secure a not guilty verdict. We’ll also examine the state’s investigation, and see if there were any procedural errors or if there are holes in the state’s case.

Develop a Defense Strategy

Depending on the quality and amount of evidence against you, we’ll work with you to develop the best defense strategy. In some cases, it may be best to accept a plea deal. We may be able to ask the judge for a lighter sentence because of special factors in your life and in the case. Other times we may be able to clear your name or, if the case goes to trial, persuade a jury that there is not enough evidence to convict you beyond a reasonable doubt. Are witnesses unreliable? Was key evidence contaminated? Is there another legitimate suspect? We’ll look into every detail of your case to persuade a jury they cannot ethically find you guilty with what was presented in court.

Give You Dependable Legal Counsel

A Combs Waterkotte criminal attorney will be sincere with you about your chances of acquittal or getting the charges dismissed. We know everyone wants to be found “not guilty,” or have their charges dismissed. However, sometimes it may make the most sense for you, your family and your freedom to choose another strategy. No matter what, the choice of how to approach your defense is in your hands.

Cases Our Criminal Attorney in Raymore, MO Takes

Your Raymore, MO criminal attorney has experience reducing, dismissing, and winning acquittals in numerous cases, from minor infractions to the most serious charges like homicide. Some of the cases we see most often are:

Whatever the nature of what you’re accused of in Raymore, MO, Combs Waterkotte knows that it does not define your character. We understand that nobody’s perfect all the time, or we can become involved in situations outside of our control. For empathetic, devoted and skilled legal representation, reach out to a criminal attorney at Combs Waterkotte today at (314) 900-HELP.

Public Defender or a Private Raymore, MO, MO Criminal Attorney?

It can be tempting to use a public defender at no cost, but the truth is you’ll have a better chance of success by hiring a private Raymore, MO criminal attorney like those at Combs Waterkotte. For starters, public defenders often have enormous case loads. A 2014 Study of the Missouri Public Defender System found that Raymore, MO public defenders largely do not have enough time to come up with an adequate defense. While there are great criminal attorneys in the public defense system, they are human and their high case loads may mean they cannot devote as much time necessary to your case.

Another study found that prosecutors offer better deals when a private defense attorney is involved in order to avoid a lengthy trial. It also stated that incarceration is, on average, five years less with a private attorney, despite private attorneys usually taking on more serious charges.

Click on the links below to see what other services we offer in Raymore, MO:

Criminal Attorney Raymore, MO | Criminal Justice | Criminal Defense Lawyers Near Raymore

Call a Criminal Attorney in Raymore, MO Today | Combs Waterkotte

When you call us, one of our criminal attorneys will give you a free consultation that’s free of any disapproval, regardless of the nature of your charges. We sincerely care about all of our clients and about getting them the best result. You’ll have the cell phone number of the criminal attorney working on your case. Whether you’re innocent of the charges or did something you regret, we’ll give you the devoted, relentless and empathetic legal representation you are entitled to. Call criminal attorney in Raymore, MO today at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online for a free consultation.

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