
Morgan County, MO

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Last Updated: September 30, 2024

Homicide lawyer in Morgan County, MO. Being charged with homicide in Morgan County, MO is one of the most serious legal battles you could ever face. The penalties can be life-altering, ranging from long-term imprisonment to capital punishment. If you’ve been accused of homicide in Morgan County, MO or anywhere across Missouri, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced homicide lawyer right away.

Contact Combs Waterkotte immediately at (314) 900-HELP or reach out online to schedule a free, one-on-one consultation. You’ll have the chance to discuss the specifics of your case with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Our seasoned team has successfully handled over 10,000 cases just like yours.

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Types of Homicide Charges in Morgan County, MO and Throughout Missouri

Homicide charges vary depending on the circumstances and intent behind the killing. It’s important to understand the different types of homicide charges that could apply:

First-Degree Murder

First-degree murder is the most serious homicide charge, involving a deliberate and premeditated act. This offense is classified as a class A felony, often resulting in a life sentence without the possibility of parole, or even the death penalty, depending on the details of the case.

Second-Degree Murder

Second-degree murder refers to an intentional killing that lacks premeditation. Also categorized as a class A felony, this crime can lead to prison sentences ranging from 10 to 30 years, or potentially life. Unlike first-degree murder, those convicted may be eligible for parole after serving at least 85 percent of their sentence.


Manslaughter refers to the unlawful killing of another individual without the intent to kill. It can be either voluntary – in the heat of passion – or involuntary – due to reckless or negligent behavior. Manslaughter is a class B or class C felony.

Vehicular Manslaughter

This charge refers to the act of causing someone’s death through reckless or negligent driving. Charges may range from a misdemeanor to a felony, and the penalties for vehicular manslaughter depend on whether substances like drugs or alcohol, or factors such as extreme recklessness, were involved.

Homicide Lawyer Morgan County, MO | Criminal Defense Near Morgan County, MO | Combs Waterkotte

What Do I Do If I’m Accused Of Homicide in Morgan County, MO?

Homicide is a manner of death, when one individual causes the death of another. Not all homicide is murder though, as some deaths caused by another individual are manslaughter, and some are lawful – like when justified by an affirmative defense, such as insanity or self-defense.

Being accused of homicide in Morgan County, MO is a serious issue. It’s vital to know what actions to take after being questioned, arrested, or indicted. Our knowledgeable homicide legal team in Morgan County, MO suggests the following steps:

  • Consult a Lawyer: It’s essential to have a competent Combs Waterkotte homicide lawyer in Morgan County, MO by your side as soon as possible to help ensure a successful outcome. A good lawyer can help review police reports, gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and create a solid defense. They can also seek ways to have charges reduced or dismissed and formulate an effective trial strategy. Give us a call at (314) 900-HELP or contact us online.
  • Do Not Say Anything: When police say “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law” as they read your Miranda rights, take that seriously. Saying the wrong thing during an investigation can significantly impact the outcome of your case and provide prosecutors with evidence to establish your guilt. It’s essential to have a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Morgan County, MO who can help you navigate this situation and articulate your side appropriately.
  • Remember You Are Presumed Innocent: Unfortunately, in today’s society, simply being accused of a crime automatically makes you guilty in the minds of many people. This can deeply alter your mental well-being and lead to decisions you would not normally make. Fortunately, your Combs Waterkotte Morgan County, MO homicide attorney is aware of the challenges you’re facing and can help you find hope amid adversity.

The Significance of Choosing a Combs Waterkotte Homicide Lawyer in Morgan County, MO

If you’re facing homicide charges, the stakes are incredibly high in Morgan County, MO. It’s critical not to leave your future to chance or to rely on a lawyer whose name you saw on a billboard or bus stop. Securing a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney could determine whether you receive a reduced sentence, achieve freedom, or face life imprisonment. Here’s how the Morgan County, MO Combs Waterkotte homicide lawyers can assist you:

  • Thorough Case Analysis: Our homicide attorneys will initiate a detailed investigation into your case, reviewing police documents, forensic evidence, witness statements, and all relevant materials. They may also work with private investigators and expert witnesses to challenge the prosecution’s case.
  • Spot Weaknesses in the Prosecution’s Argument: Our relentless homicide attorneys will meticulously analyze every aspect of the case to find flaws in the prosecution’s evidence. This diligent approach may result in the dismissal of charges, a plea reduction, or a successful acquittal.
  • Verify That Your Rights Were Respected: Under Morgan County, MO and Missouri law, as well as the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, you possess specific rights. These rights are essential for ensuring a fair and impartial justice system. Our Morgan County, MO criminal defense attorneys have unfortunately seen a number of situations where our clients’ rights were violated. We are dedicated to defending your rights and securing your future throughout the Morgan County, MO area. Three of the most violated rights in Morgan County, MO homicide arrests and interrogations are:

    • Violations of Due Process: When you are accused of homicide or any crime, you are entitled to due process, ensuring fair treatment throughout the legal system. This includes being informed of the charges against you and the opportunity to respond. Additionally, you have the right to an impartial judge or jury to determine your guilt or innocence. Prosecutors must provide all exculpatory evidence, and failing to do so infringes on your due process rights.
    • Failure to Provide the Miranda Warning: According to Miranda v. Arizona, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that law enforcement must inform you of your rights prior to any questioning. This includes your right to remain silent, your right to a lawyer, and the warning that anything said can be used in court. Police are only required to read your Miranda rights if they are detaining you and intend to use your statements in a court of law. While waiving these rights is an option, it’s best to assert your right to remain silent and immediately contact a Combs Waterkotte homicide lawyer at (314) 900-HELP or reach out online.
    • Illegal Searches and Seizures: The Fourth Amendment protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures. Police need reasonable doubt to stop or investigate you and must have probable cause to make an arrest in Morgan County, MO and beyond. This means they must present facts justifying their belief that a crime was or is being committed. If evidence is obtained through an illegal search, it may be excluded from court.
  • Secure Expert Testimony: Combs Waterkotte has access to a diverse network of experts in the Morgan County, MO area, from forensic scientists and ballistics experts to medical examiners and crime scene analysts. Our attorneys can enlist these specialists to challenge key elements of the case, such as the cause of death.
  • Negotiate Lesser Charges: A skilled and proactive Morgan County, MO homicide lawyer can negotiate with prosecutors for reduced charges or penalties in exchange for a guilty plea to a lesser charge, particularly if the evidence against you is overwhelming. The Combs Waterkotte homicide lawyers always act in your best interest. While they may provide guidance and expert legal advice, the final decision is yours.

If you’re facing homicide charges in the Morgan County, MO area and partner with Combs Waterkotte, you’re not just selecting the best homicide lawyer in Morgan County, MO and throughout Missouri – you are securing your rights, your freedom, and your future. In addition to expert criminal defense from our knowledgeable homicide lawyers, our entire staff provides expertise in the following areas for residents in Morgan County and beyond:

Homicide Lawyer Morgan County, MO | Criminal Defense Attorneys Morgan County, MO | Combs Waterkotte

Consult an Experienced Homicide Lawyer in Morgan County, MO Right Away at Combs Waterkotte

As homicide in Morgan County, MO is a serious felony offense, anyone facing such charges should connect with a homicide lawyer in Morgan County, MO immediately. Our experienced legal team is well-versed in Missouri laws and is committed to doing everything possible to have your charges reduced or dropped. If you’re dealing with a homicide charge anywhere near Morgan County, MO, don’t wait.

Contact an expert Combs Waterkotte homicide lawyer in Morgan County, MO now to protect your rights and future while ensuring the best possible defense. Call (314) 900-HELP or reach out online for a no-obligation case assessment.

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